
About Us


Technology is great, but what’s better is a trusted partner who can walk you through the information and help you make informed decisions about what will make YOUR farm successful. There’s no shortage of apps, charts, graphs and the latest and greatest, but what does it mean to you? How will it improve your farm? What you need is one place with information that is important to you, one place where you work directly with a partner to make heads or tails out of all those pretty charts – you need MyFarm Solutions.

MyFarm Solutions is a new software platform powered by Integrated Ag Services that allows you to make real-time decisions for your farm using real-time information.

You can use it to closely monitor grain markets, track weather on a field-by-field basis and access the IAS Yield Trials. New features are being added including field level profitability, daily yield estimations, equipment telematics, and more.

Now is the time to make the technology work for you. Request a demo!

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Some How To’s…

HOW TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT: MyFarm Solutions is a new software platform developed especially for farmers. You can use it to closely monitor grain markets, yield trials and track weather on a field-by-field basis. Now you can compare what’s happening locally in real-time.

HOW TO SAVE MYFARM SOLUTIONS TO YOUR PHONE: Keep MyFarm Solutions at your fingertips - add it to your home screen on your phone.